I love to jump from one website or blog to another and come across the amazingly talented people in this world. I love to see the things that imagination can create, and talent can design. It excites me when I see something that I could make with my own little style, or get an idea or inspiration from someone else. I love to run with it, and see where it takes me. I know there are so many little home based businesses like myself, that have amazing things to offer. So many creative, talented people that have products that I am sure I would just HAVE to have. SO…


I thought it would be fun to see what people have to offer. I would love to trade custom vinyl, for whatever it is that you sale. I will feature you on my blog and create and design something for you. In return you feature me on your website, and TRADE your something creative for my something creative. 

If your interested at all, leave a comment, email me at inspirationsbybrandipark@yahoo.com , or give me a call 208.313.3745

Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!


Anonymous said...

I do hair and I have a hair blog. any interest in trading a cut/color for vinyl? let me know! lookhotintheburg.blogspot.com

All Dolled Up said...

I make and sell Satin/Tulle skirts. I also make jewelry and bows, but have been so busy with the skirts I do those more as ordered then by bulk right now. Also my husband works at a wood working place and I can get blocks of wood for your vinyl projects that require that. Take a look and let me know what you think. alldolledupgirl.blogspot.com